New Features and Stuff

Keep track of all the latest features, integrations & improvements we ship on a periodic basis. Feel free to reach out with any suggestions!

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New Integration
July 18, 2023



New Integration
July 18, 2023
Active Campaign


Active Campaign

New Integration
July 18, 2023
Growth Indicators


Growth Indicators

New Feature
June 27, 2023

See the percent change (%) of any metric:

  • View change compared to previous period
  • Ability to select any aggregation for comparison
  • Toggle visibility on/off on metric cards

Data Filters


Data Filters

New Feature
June 27, 2023

Customize any metric to your needs by applying filters:

  • Choose from hundreds of available filter properties
  • Apply multiple filters at once
  • Works in almost all integrations
Dashboards With Variable Time Frames


Dashboards With Variable Time Frames

New Feature
June 27, 2023

Build dashboards with various time-frames:

  • Set a default time-frame for each metric
  • Create daily, weekly, monthly views on the same dashboard
  • Works with custom date ranges (coming soon)
Force-Refresh Data


Force-Refresh Data

June 27, 2023

Pull the latest data from the integration source:

  • Each metric is cached for 15mins for performance
  • Break the cahce and refresh with a single click
Shared Data Sources


Shared Data Sources

New Feature
June 16, 2023

Shared sources let anyone in your workspace add a new metric with a single click

  • Authorize & store data sources to the workspace
  • Access metrics with a single-click
  • Give granular access controls (coming soon)
Aggregations (Sum, Avg, Last, Count)


Aggregations (Sum, Avg, Last, Count)

New Feature
June 9, 2023

View a summary value for all your metrics:

  • Choose from Sum, Avg, Count, Last values
  • Change the calculation on-the-fly
  • Select "none" to hide the value from your cards (coming soon)
Data-Fetch Performance Boost


Data-Fetch Performance Boost

June 7, 2023

We just 10x'ed your dashboard load times!

  • Your metric data are fetched from its source in real-time
  • Data is now cached for 15/30 minutes
  • Navigating through dashboards is much faster
  • Viewing & adding existing KPIs is much faster